"STILL" After all these Years6 Months Peggy has been gone
Good Morning, Hope this find you all well...
Well it is a bittersweet day for me as I have not slept a wink...I have been working on a video that I wanted to have done last night at midnight but my focus just don't seem to be there anymore LOL. Well 6 month ago today Peggy changed her address, got a new body left all the pain and began living her new life. I am sure she has been visiting with friend and family and having a good time. I am sure she is probably singing up in Heaven. It has been a lot easier on her than us, But we are making it and we are doing great. Like I said it is going to be a tough day for me today I am sure. Once I get the Video posted I am going to get some shut eye...LOL I think I need my beauty rest. It is a bittersweet day as I realize that at some point I have to let go of the past and look ahead so I quit running into things. I feel I am ready to move on and start my new life. Peggy will always be a part of my life but it is time to move on. I am anxious to find out what am i going to do.. I am getting busy with the new business and that is going very well as I do plan on doing some traveling around the country with that.. So you never know I could be coming near you. LOL Look for the new song "STILL" Video at (Hopefully I will have it on there in a few mins) Curt wrote a beautiful Poem last night I am sure some have seen it but if not here it is. Six months since she went away We all wanted her to stay But one thing we know is true She is waiting there for me and you We did not want her to go But we want the world to know Never a stranger did she meet With a smile everyone she did greet Now no more worry or no pain Heaven she did finally gain So Peggy look down on us from above And shower us all with loads of love RIP Peggy Sundman Davis Love and miss you ~Curt,Nancy and family Well would like to share something I came across on my research call the 7 Lovely Logics 1. Make Peace with your past so it doesn't Spoil you Present 2. What others think of you is none of your business. 3. Time heals almost everything, Give the Time, some time. 4. No one is the reason of your happiness except YOU youself. 5. Don't compare your life with others,you have no idea what their journey is all about 6. Stop thinking to much it is alright to not have all the answers 7. ***SMILE*** you don't own all the problems in the world. There you have it.. Well Thank you all so much for following us on our Journey. It has been quite a ride. Sorry it has taken so long for the Thank you cards but they should be there in the next week or so. If Jess cracks the whip enough..LOL we (I) sure do miss Peggy. Those cards would have been out 5 months and 28 days ago..LOL Thanks you so much for all the support, Prayers, Thoughts, Comments (I will be reading everyone tonight and tomorrow) and everything you have done for us We Love you all~ Marlon, Jess, Jim, Cooper, Reagan, Marla and Rylee Good Night LOL Send a message Write your message below. Christmas is Almost Here!!! Missing Peggy Posted 12-21-12
Good Morning and Merry Christmas!!! Well this year seems so different from the rest. It has been 69 Days since Peggy was promoted to her new Home. We Miss her but know she is in a better place. I can only she is having the time of her life. Probably Hustling around making sure she has something for everyone, she had such a giving heart. I took Cookies into work yesterday but Big C and Wolverine but I told them they are not Peggy's cookie I just picked them up at the store as no... Read more | 7 message(s) | Send a message Peggy has been gone 45 days now.
Good Evening hope this find you all well!!! Well Peggy has been gone 44 days and we really miss her...but we are very fortunate with the support system wee have been blessed with. I took off for a couple weeks and spent some time down in Louisiana with my family for a week.. They all treated me like a king!! LOL then from there I went to Marco Island and spent a week with some real good friends and again was treated like a King!!! So I am a little spoiled ... not that I haven't... Read more | 13 message(s) | Send a message Thanks!!! Oct 22-12
Posted Oct 22 -12 Good Morning hope this finds you all well.. Well the Journey is over and we try to put our lives back together. It has been quite a journey and we know we could not have made it without God, Family and Friends!!! Everyone of you is incredible and you will never know what you meant to Peggy and this Family.. I had thought of trying to list people but it would just be to many and I would forget someone. But please know all of you was such a blessing to us. And it was so good to hear all... Read more | 15 message(s) | Send a message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW what an incredible day!! Thursday Oct 18th Posted Oct 19, 2012 5:44am Wow what an incredible Day!!! Thursday Oct 19th ,2012 Good Morning and Hope this finds you all well!!! Wow what and incredible day yesterday!!! Peggy would have been so amazed and so thrilled that her friend showed up...We (me, Girls and whole family) were so honored to have so many. (I posted some photos) on the Also I set up a blog page where you can leave a message of your favorite Peggy Story as we all know... Read more | 13 message(s) | Send a message ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggys Obiturary 10-17-12 Posted Oct 17, 2012 6:01pm Good Evening all Hope all is well!!! Got to see Peggy today all dressed up...and she is still BEAUTIFUL!!! Trying to get all the pictures ready and the Music Ready for tomorrow.. I can just here Peggy saying "Dude you don't have to do all that, You think I am a celebrity!!" To which I would say if she could here me...Much more Honey!! Well I would like to put the Obituary in here but I can not insert a Scan so I am sorry but you will have to go to Read more | 15 message(s) | Send a message Wow what an Incredible Day!!! Thanks to all who made it happen!!
Here is the Arrangements for Peggy Home going Service
Posted 11 minutes ago Good Morning and I hope this finds you all well!! Things are hectic as usual trying to get everything done that I need to to make this a very special home going service for Peggy. These videos of Peggy are going viral we are getting messages from People we don't even know, but we appreciate it so much... The God on the Mountain video is just but put out all over the web. I am working on some things that will make this service very special because it is for a special Lady... I miss her!!! but the good thing is I know she is in no pain and she is going to be assigned to me LOL that's pretty cool Well the arrangements are all set it will be in the paper tonight and you will also be able to read it all on tomorrow Visitation will be at Assembly of God (Blue roof church) you can get direction from the link or the address is 3084 Niles Road St. Joseph , MI 49085 (269) 556-1422 Thursday Oct 18th 2-4 and then again from 6-8 Funeral will be at 2 pm on Friday (not 3Pm ) there will be 45 min before a chance for visitation. All are invited to join the family for a dinner after in the church Gym ..there will be set up on Facebook an event and if you will be attending the funeral and dinner you could let us know and help us plan We look forward to Celebrating Peggy Life with all our Family and Friends ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for all the support and Love, prayers, thoughts, Cards/Comments and everything else!!!! We love you all very much~ marlon&girls _____________________________ Day One without Peggy...Sunday 10-14-12 Posted 1 day ago Good Evening hope this finds you all well... Day one without Peggy comes to a close..and I am missing her already..but all I can think of is why would I be selfish about her promotion ..But I will tell you at times I do break down because it is tough. After being with me for 36 yrs making sure alot of the little things I am suppose to do gets done..LOL Did you take you pills? What time now were you to be there? Little things that are going to be missed. Some of the humor she would inject... Read more | 26 message(s) | Send a message Peggy Did it her way...Heaven got another angel Posted Oct 14, 2012 4:04am Good Morning hope this finds you well!! Well I had a feeling sooner or later I would need to make this post. Peggy did it her way...the post I did before this where I read all 120 comments took me about 1 hour of course if she was conscious it would have took 1-1/2 hrs with us commenting on all.. There are some good memories in lot of the care pages post...I am sure some of you don't realize how much those meant to not only me but her also. It sure helped on the Journey. Around... Read more | 64 message(s) | Send a message Heaven got another Angel Posted Oct 14, 2012 1:39am Hello all this is Marla and Heaven gained another angel at 12:30 am this morning! She went peacefully after Dad read her all the care pages messages. Service arrangements will be posted as soon as possible! Thank you for all your prayers and support! We love you all! Marlon & Girls Read more | 18 message(s) | Send a message _______________________________________ I read Peggy all the Comments from the Last Post Tonight Posted Oct 14, 2012 12:15am Good Evening Hope this finds you all well!!! Peggy is resting comfortably her breathing is very shallow but she is still here. This time has been great as it was just me and the kids today and then tonight it was just me and Peggy (Of course with all the Prayers and Thoughts) reminiscing about all the good times!!! And what a wonderful Life we have had together.. and all of a sudden it popped into my head that she was saying "Did we get any messages?" So I pulled the chair along side... Read more | 14 message(s) | Send a message This is Tough...10-12-12
Posted Friday Morning 10-12-12 Good Morning all hope this finds you all well!!! This is one of the Toughest post I have ever had to write..After almost 5 years of watching our "Amazing Peggy" Shake things off and Step up it seems it will be ending soon. Sadly I watch as this journey is quickly coming to an end. Peggy is failing fast. She has battled so hard and so long and what an inspiration to us all. If there is one thing she has taught us it is to enjoy life to the fullest. Peggy believed in living life... Read more | Send a message Peggy is holding ...I think... Thursday 9:30 am Peggy is holding I think..but I have to wonder how much can this girl take. We thought the tube might be coming out today now it looks like it will be 2-3 days (now that could change in the next few mins but at the time of writing this is what I know) She is back on Dialysis (not full just trying to get some fluids off) Her kidneys are not functioning properly and her Liver has some issues, Her Stomach is full and not working right...So there are a lot of issues going on. Her stomach... Read more | 47 message(s) | Send a message Peggy is Improving 1;30 pm Tuesday Good Afternoon hope this finds you all well!! Things have been happening fast around here today.... there is going to be no CT Scan today the plan is now to wake her which they did and take her off the pain meds so they can see if they can get the Kidneys and Liver back working. The Doctor was in today and I over heard him say when she wakes up with the tube in her mouth tell her that is what her husband wants ..LOL Talk about throwing some one under the bus...He knew I was listen in... Read more | 29 message(s) | Send a message View more updates: 107 total The Big Kahuna was in ...
10-09-12 10:30 am Posted a few seconds ago Good Morning hope this finds you all well... The big Kahuna was in ...LOL the head Doctor Omar of Peggy's Team in the ICU. Paraphrasing here is what he said... 2 days ago things looked bad real bad, Yesterday was worst, Today he sees improvement. He said she has to be one of the toughest cookies we have seen. We poke her she bleeds we have given things that most people can not tolerate but she keeps bouncing back she is like the energizer bunny but.......(There's that word again) But... Read more | Send a message Peggy is Improving ..Tues 10-09-12 Posted 2 hours ago Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! I talked with the Doctor today and Peggy is improving, But -----Sometimes I just hate that word ... But she said I want to caution you she is still by far the most critical on the ICU She said yesterday it was Min to Min and today maybe Hour to Hour the Dialysis was able to clean some of the toxin They were 12 yesterday and 5 today so it is working they think they will have to give her body a break from it today, and see if her body can do... Read more | 31 message(s) | Send a message Still Waiting on the Doctors Posted Monday 11 am Hope this finds you all well!! Well another day comes to a close...and Peggy is holding her own. I was hoping a doctor would come in and see me and tell me what is happening but as of now I have not. So it is the waiting game once again. The nurse said she is doing better. She just came in and removed her bands because Peggy was getting puffy due to all the fluids going into her and not many going out. Well I wish I could tell you more but it seems to be changing almost... Read more | 19 message(s) | Send a message 'Peggy is struggling a little with Mouth Sores 10-06-12
Posted Saturday Morning 10-06-12 Good Morning hope this finds you all well... We went to Chicago yesterday ...Neither of us slept well on Thursday night as Peggy's is struggling a little again with Mouth Sores and Teeth. We had to leave for Chicago around 5:30 am to be in Chicago for appt at 7 am for Labs...the results come back and Peggy White Blood Count is down to .56 (I would think we should see them going up as I did not think they would drop that low with this low dose Chemo) the rest of the blood dropped accordingly... Read more | 2 message(s) | Send a message Peggys Chicago Trip went fine 10-03-12 Posted Oct 3, 2012 4:44am Good Morning and Hope this finds you all well Peggy and Suzy went to Chicago yesterday for another round of Chemo to the Brain.(Thanks Suzy I appreciate that) Things went fairly well. She did need some platelets as hers had dropped to 20 ...We knew these were dropping and it is really nothing to be alarmed at it is just something that happens with this type of chemo. Her counts came back and they look alright Due to the chemo some are dropping which they are suppose to do. Her White... Read more | 23 message(s) | Send a message Peggy is doing well ...Last planned update till Tuesday Morning 09-30-12 Posted Sep 30, 2012 5:20am Good Morning and hope this finds you all well!!! Peggy is doing well...she is back on the road to recovery ...She will be going back in on Tuesday with Suzy to Chicago and getting another round of Brain (CNS) chemo and get checked, and then again on Friday. If both of those checks comes back at 0% then she will only need to take 1 chemo to the brain a week for a while and then in 6 weeks we will need to go back to the hospital for another 3 days of chemo (3 times a day or 9 doses) So... Read more | 11 message(s) | Send a message Glad to be Home!!! 09-29-12
Posted Saturday 09-29-12 7:30am Good Morning and hope this finds you all well.. What a week...I thought we was in for a tough tough week...Just to Recap..15 days ago Peggy was stricken with what we thought was Bell's palsy... at the recommendation of her regular Doctor Kroeze he said it appeared to be Bell's palsy but asked her to follow up with her Cancer Doctor..So after contacting Dr Fung he wanted to see Peggy on Monday because he thought it could be more than Bell's Palsy. So after tasting though lumbar Puncture... Read more | Send a message Heading Home Today 09-29-12 Posted 1 day ago Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy has had an extremely good week... She has tolerated the Chemo extremely well and not sick to speak of at all... Thanks for all your prayers. What we thought would be an intense week just seem to smooth right by. Peggy has 2 more rounds this morning (1) for the Brain and (1) for the overall body.. Those should happen at 8 am and then she will need to stay laying down for a couple hours. Doctor Larson will be meeting with us before noon... Read more | 16 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a good day and Night 09-27-12 Posted 2 days ago Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good night she slept real well. Woke up this morning with a headache but I guess what do you expect when someone drill in your head into you brain. A little dab of morphine and she is good to go. She is up writing cards and notes.. Hard to keep that women down... (are you kidding Peggy staying in bed LOL) Well we are still excited about the news we received yesterday. Things are still on track for a Friday Release not sure if it... Read more | 10 message(s) | Send a message Great News!!!! 09-26-12 Posted Wednesday Afternoon
Good Afternoon and hope this finds you all well!!! Wow great news today ...after finding out this morning that the Counts from the lab all came back with good result. Dr Larsen came and talked to us and was telling us everything looked good. So she got ready to leave and asked if we had any questions... and I did was what I was waiting for so I said "What was the count that came back on Brain?" it was 97% (113 WBC) She said Oh I forgot to look.. so she was going to look in the... Read more | Send a message Peggy is doing extremely well 09-26-12 Posted Wedensday Morning 09-26-12
Good Morning hope this finds you all well. Peggy is doing extremely well in fact unbelievable. Wow prayer is working. Peggy had the 1st round of Chemo to the head yesterday and it bothered her for about 2 hrs (they think lot of it was just being anxious) then she had a round of decitabine at 4 pm ,midnight and is schedule another this Morning at 8 am which would complete one of the (3) days scheduled. So if everything goes as planned she would get the last round on Friday Morning 8 am... Read more | 31 message(s) | Send a message Peggy did not sleep well last night ..But seems to be fine...09-25-12 Good Morning hope this finds you all well!!
Well the surgery all went well..Peggy is doing real well considering what she has went though..She came back from surgery and was very hungry LOL and that is what she talked about for the first hour or two and she ate and ate and then ate some more. At about 11 pm they came and took her down for some cat Scans and then we got back to the room and wanted some more to eat..I went to bed about 12:45 and was out. After talking with the Nurse Sheila,... Read more | 16 message(s) | Send a message Peggy is out of surgery and back in room 09-24-12 9 pm Good Evening hope this finds you all well...
We are just getting back in room at 9 pm whew a long day. We left St Joseph at about 4:30 am this morning (3:30 this time) we had to check it at 6:30 am ..Labs and talked with nurses , Doctors etc.. we were pleasantly surprised with the conversation... What a roller Coaster ride..we have been switched from the Bone Marrow Transplant team to the Hematologist team so Dr Larsen in now back in charge. They have told us they would like to do the... Read more | Send a message We are Checked in our Room In Chicago Rush Hospital
Posted Sept 24th,2012 AM
Good Morning and hope this finds you all well!!! We have arrived back into Chicago this Morning and we are all checked into our room on the 14 floor.We are in Room #1475 and have a beautiful View overlooking the city. We are just waiting on the labs and whatever they need to do before the surgery. Surgery is scheduled for 4:15 PM (Chicago time) they will put the shunt into her head so they can start the Chemo to the fluid around the Brain which is the Central Nervous System tomorrow.... Read more | Send a message Second Round of Chemo for the Brain is done Sept 21,2012 Posted Sept 21.2012 5 am
Good Morning!!! Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy (and I ) Rested real well last night. She is doing incredibly well. Her spirit are up and what can I say be "AMAZING" We were talking last night before we went to bed and she asked me, "Does my face look any better?" (talking about the bells palsy effect on the right side where it is paralyzed) so she has this thing where she will raise her eyebrows and only the left one goes up and on her lips only the left side smiles. So I said... Read more | Send a message Know a little more (maybe LOL) Posted 7 am Sept 20th
Good Morning!!! Hope this finds you all well.. Wow what a day yesterday our heads are still spinning I think!!! After talking with Dr Richie many ,many, many times yesterday...I think I understand some of the game plan. Seems some of the Doctors might not agree on everything for the treatment but here is what I think I know at least at this moment...LOL it could change Peggy will receive intrathecal chemotherapy today not sure what time should be sometimes this afternoon. This... Read more | Send a message Got the News...Not all complete yet..will be posting more later Posted 2;30 pm Sept 19th
Good Afternoon hope all is well with you.. Well here we are on Peggy's Birthday but we sure did not get the news we were hoping for. Although we are not ready to give up the hurdles do seem a bit higher. Some of the tests are back from the lumbar puncture and it seems the leukemia has made its way to the fluids going to the brain.on the other The Leukemic Blast are 97% on one report and 99% which needs immediate attention. I asked the Doctors so if we do nothing what is the time Months,... Read more | 22 message(s) | Send a message Peggys Birthday is today!!! Posted Sept 19 ,2012 7:40am
Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!!! Peggy had a good night (and Me too LOL ) she slept very good I think they got the meds worked out right..She is feeling real good. We are just waiting for the results of the test. Hopefully we will have good news to report today on her Birthday!! The Nurse Andrea brought Peggy in a cupcake this morning and sang Happy Birthday to her as she was up early and sitting on the couch at 6 am Well it is a wait and see day today...hope... Read more | Send a message Peggy is back in Room everything went well just waiting now Posted Tuesday evening 7:10 Pm
Hello all Peggy just arrived back in the room everything went well we are just waiting on the result... Peggy was starving so she is eating.. Good Night Thanks for all the Love and Support, Prayers, Thoughts, Card/COMMENTS and everything else!! WE LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!~marlon&peggy Edit Update | Send a message Not a real good night .. Posted 5 minutes ago
Good Morning hope this finds you all well.. Well last night was not a real good night. Peggy began to have leg Cramps or what she has thought was a sciatic Nerve any ways she was up in some pain with that from about 3-5 am (maybe longer but that is when I was awake) normally at home she has been taking a vicadin which will usually take it away. Unfortunately there was a mix up when Peggy was telling them her Med or they were going down the list for some reason the Vicadine did not get... Read more | Send a message Peggy is Back from MRI
Posted 1 hour ago Good Evening!! This will be short..LOL Peggy went for the MRI she said they put her in like a football helmet and stuffed it so her head could not move... I don't think she knew she was claustrophobic but after listening to her I think she is...LOL Well tomorrow at 2 pm is the Lumbar Puncture with Chemo and Hydrocortazine (or something like that) I think some of the results will be back fairly quickly. Peggy is feeling well is in no pain other than not wanting to be here. ... Read more | Send a message All Settled in on the 14th Floor Posted 8 hours ago Good Afternoon!! Hope you are all doing well... We are all settled in on the 14th floor already did a couple of laps. Peggy is feeling good.. We had the Lab work this Morning Dr Fung said her Lab look fine ...WBC is at 13 up from 9... Let me tell you what I think I know about this...LOL...Peggy has a MRI so I am not sure if it is today or in the morning..We do know that the Lumbar Puncture is at 2 pm tomorrow (it is like a spinal tap or is) It will take a couple days to to get... Read more | 21 message(s) | Send a message After a few great week we are headed back to Chicago Peg will be back at Rush Posted 18 hours ago Good Morning everyone!!! Hope this finds you all well Well after a nice long run of being well Peggy is heading back to Chicago Rush to be admitted. Dr Fung wants to double check the Bells Palsy so they are going to do a Lumbar MRI to check the brain. Not sure how long yet but seems that Bells palsy with Leukemia patient is treated a little different than other people. We will probably know more about it after our meeting and labs today between 8-12.. I will try to post as soon as I... Read more | 19 message(s) | Send a message The Amazing Peggy, is doing wonderful 08-31-12
![]() Good Morning all.. Hope all is well with everyone..
Peggy is doing Great!!! Been a while since the last post, Let me see if I remember how to write... It has been I think about 2 weeks since the last post, and I am happy to say that Peggy has had 2 weeks of good days. She is enjoying the freedom of driving again and getting out and about. Yesterday her and Suzy took the trip to Chicago they got in some traffic and got backed up so she called and I was setting at the computer... Read more | Send a message Peggy eyes were good for the Celebration on Saturday Aug 11
Posted Sunday Aug 12th Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good day yesterday Sat Aug 11th her eyes were good right till the very end of the day and then they started bothering her again. She had to take the contacts that they had given her. She said even though they were hurting it is nothing like Friday, So we will wait and see what Sunday Brings. She tried to get some more contacts but was unable to so she will call Chicago I am sure in the Morning as they really helped her eyes. Read more | Send a message ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggy was in lot of pain Friday Aug 10th with her eyes But Better this morning .. Posted Saturday 08-11-12 Good Morning Hope this finds you all well... Peggy had a lot of pain yesterday with eyes.. and I was able to get her into the specialist in Chicago so about 11:30 am I got a call saying if I could get there by 2 pm they would work her in. So we were on the road by noon Wow ... we made it and she got it in. Dr DeJillian and the Fellow said she has GVHD in her eyes real bad and it is really painful... Fortunately there is a few things they could try. They first looked in her eyes and said... Read more | 12 message(s) | Send a message --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggy did not have a good day yesterday Her eyes are bothering her bad. Posted Friday Aug 10, 2012 6:21am Good morning hope this find you all well Peggy did not have a good day at all yesterday. Her eyes are starting to bother her terrible and she said it was very hard for her to see yesterday. It seems like the last 3-4 days they have continued to be more bothersome. She went to the Doctor yesterday and Dr Sunita said it is a bad case of GVHD and there is really nothing they can do for her except to send her to a specialist in the GVHD and he might be able to help her with some sort of... Read more | 16 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a not so good day Wednesday Aug 8th
Posted Aug 9, 2012 6:15am Good Morning and Hope this finds you all well... Wednesday was not a real good day for Peggy as she struggled with her eyes bothering her a lot and also very tired through out the day. Woke up this morning feeling much better though as getting ready to head to Chicago for her appt. Hopefully they will be able to do something for her eyes. I did not have all that good of day either I woke up everything was good check my sugar and was 125 ate breakfast took Lexi for walk came back... Read more | 11 message(s) | Send a messsage ========================================================================= Peggy had a pretty good day Tueday Aug 7th Her eyes are starting to bother her again Posted Aug 8, 2012 4:25am Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a pretty good day Tuesday Aug 7th Her eyes are starting to bother her again...She is feeling good just if she could get her eyes from bothering her so. She will be going to Chicago tomorrow for her appt so I am sure they will fix her up. Suzy and her will be leaving early in the morning for the appt. The weekend is quickly approaching so her and Suzy are busy working on Mom and Dad Sundman 60th Wedding anniversary . Shaping... Read more | 10 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a good day on Monday Aug 6th
Posted Tuesday Aug 7th 2012 Good Morning and hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good day on Monday Aug 6th .. Had some visitor and enjoyed the time with them. She had a little incident she was out by the van and said she barely bumped her leg into the side of the van and it must have ruptured a blood vessel as it puffed up making a big bruise about 2" wide and 4" long and puffed up about 1/4" .. Of course I asked her should we go get it checked she just laughed and said are you crazy? She said it did not... Read more | Send a message Peggy had a good day on Sunday Aug 5th
Posted Monday Aug 6th Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good day on Sunday Aug 5th She drove and went to Church as I did not make it was not feeling well all day. She felt good all day. I struggled all week not sure what is going on but legs swelled thought it would go away but never did yesterday so I guess it is in to the walk in this morning as soon as they open. I know I better or I will have the whole family coming down on me LOL I did put some video's on the Read more | Send a message ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggy had a good day Saturday Aug 4th Posted Sunday Aug 5th Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good day Saturday... She seems to be doing better.. She is back to driving Yahoo!!! I am not feeling up to par this morning so sorry the post is short but I will try to post something later on today maybe if I feel up to it Sorry I did put a few video's online at for the Fiesta Sing "Its my Desire" Jessica "He knows How" Marlon Davis Family "Consider the Lillies" Curt "the Poet"Davis Read more | 7 message(s) | Send a message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr John called and said Peggy has a Virus but she had an good day on Friday Posted Aug 4, 2012 4:52am Good Morning hope this finds you all well!!! On Peggy's Thursday visit Appt, Dr John had told Peggy they were testing her for CMV Virus although they were concerned and wanted to make sure it did not get out of control. After reading about it last night on the Internet it is a very common virus in fact 50-80% of the people in the world have just is not active. Well Dr John call late yesterday to say that they like to see the count for it no more than 1000 and as of Thursday Peggy's... Read more | 7 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a good day on Thursday Aug 2nd But was very tired by evening
Posted Friday Aug 3rd 2012 Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Thursday was a good day for Peggy she was up early and ready to go to Chicago with Suzy for her Doctors appt. She was hoping they could stretch them out a little longer but that is not the case. They want to see her next Thursday. When I talked to her she said the Doctor said her counts looked really good but she had some numbers for a virus that they were watching (I am still not sure what that is all about but)anyways here is the Numbers<br... Read more | Send a message Peggy had a good day Wednesday Aug 1st
Posted Thursday Aug 2nd Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a really good day yesterday...Her and Suzy are leaving for Chicago in a few. It was one of the better days Peggy has had in the last few weeks. She had breakfast with Mom and Dad, Family and Friends. Then went with Jess and Kids to get Lexi groomed. Lexi cleans up well! The person cutting Lexi hair and clipping nails gave a glowing report about how well behaved she is...LOL (Wait is this the right dog LOL ) Really she is a good and... Read more | 12 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had an alright day on Tuesday July 31st
Posted Wednesday Aug 1 st Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had and decent day on Tuesday although she is having the tightness in her chest and has times where she struggles to breath.. then she gets anxious and causes more problems but all in all she is doing well... Especially for what she has went though. Her and Suzy will be making the trip on Thursday to see the Doctors in Chicago Well Lexi has started being more or a puppy LOL although so far no messes in the floor she did go upstairs... Read more | Send a message ***Full Post as Care Pages was having Issues Tuesday****
Peggy had little bit of a tough day Monday Posted July 31 Good morning Hope this finds you all well... Peggy had a little bit rougher day on Monday, as she struggled a little more with her breathing in the morning. She visited with Mom, Dad, Suzy and Sharon and they worked on Mom & Dad 60th wedding anniversary Party that is coming up in a couple of weeks. So she is looking forward to that I am sure we will be seeing a lot of Friends and Family for that.There is a website with a lot of old family pictures at Well Lexi is doing great other than being a little jumpy she is a great pup...(BIG Pup!!!0 Reagan & Cooper are having a blast with her!! She minds Jessica really well and now last night Reagan was out with her and I over heard her say "now Lexi Lay Down, Now Sit " It was really cute. Neither of them are big enough to hold Lexi in fact even when the "Fat Boy" (me) has her on the leash she give me all I want... We took a walk around the neighborhood last night, Jessica, Cooper, Reagan, Peggy, Lexi and me. Peggy was on her new Motorized Wheel chair ( Thanks Jerry and Linda) and she loved it... It was funny watching the rookie driver LOL a couple time she hit the edge of the grass and sort of spun out... she takes up the whole side walk so if you see her coming it is a good idea to step off into the grass LOL ...we got some good laughs with that one...Jazzy (Wheel chair) is going to be fun!! Debbie brought over some Fish for Peggy (of course I don't eat fish) but they tried hard last night to get me to try the fish that tasted like Chicken..I guess even Cooper tried it but me ....No not happening LOL But I sure heard lot of ranting and raving about how good that fish was and not sure how they made it but wow it was good. So thanks Debbie and Dale.. In the evening Peggy wanted to run to Walmarts to get a Couple of the way we have our new handicap pass and she wanted to ride a cart in Walmart (you know she must not be quite up to it) well I started out walking behind her telling everyone be careful "Rookie Driver" but quickly decided that might not be a good idea when she tried to back over me..LOL (Thats not true but makes for a good story) not sure I like the cart thing to much the Big Boy has a hard time keeping up..LOL Well sorry I have not got around to posting the videos of the singing on Saturday night But I will not sure it will be this morning though as I am running out of time LOL (where does all my time go LOL) I also have some pictures of Lexi, Jazzy and our walk.. Those should make it on the site today.. Well on a little bit of bad news the other day... We got a call that one of Peggy's Favorite Cousins "Teddy" has been diagnosed with throat Cancer. I can not remember it is either stage 3 or 4 and is undergoing Chemo and Radiation.. When is this crazy stuff going to stop... Please keep Teddy and the whole Gillem Family in your prayers. They have been so supportive on our journey.. I am sure you have read some of the uplifting comment that him and his sister Shannon have sent from time to time. Please keep them in your prayers as they now battle this monster "Cancer" .. It will be a wonderful Happy day when someone can tame this Beast!!! Well here is today's Story (this is a good one) A Dime Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold. He didn't wear boots because he didn't like them and besides he didn't even own any. Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. And, try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is useless, and even if I do come up with an idea I don't have any money to spend." Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family of five had struggled. It was not because his mother didn’t care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough. She worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage that she was earning could only be stretched so far. What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger sister, who ran the household in their mother's absence. Three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. Somehow it just wasn't fair. Here it was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow and started to walk down the street to where the shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to. Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting off of something along the curb. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime. Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his new found treasure, warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw. His excitement quickly turned cold when the salesperson told him that he couldn't buy anything with only a dime. He noticed a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten-cent offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and I'll see what I can do for you." As Bobby waited he looked around at all the beautiful flowers, and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls liked flowers. The sound of the door closing as the last customer left jolted Bobby back to reality. Now all alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone and afraid. Suddenly the shop owner came out and moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them neatly into a long white box. "That will be ten cents young man," the shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime! Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?" This time Bobby did not hesitate, and when the man placed the long box into his hands, he knew it was true. Walking out the door that the owner was holding open for Bobby, he heard the shopkeeper say, "Merry Christmas, son." As he returned inside, the shopkeeper's wife walked out. "Who were you talking to back there and where are the roses you were fixing?" Staring out the window, and blinking the tears from his own eyes, he replied, "A strange thing happened to me this morning. While I was setting up things to open the shop, I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn't sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime. When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years ago. I too, was a poor boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift. A bearded man, whom I never knew, stopped me on the street and told me that he wanted to give me ten dollars. "When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses." The shop owner and his wife hugged each other tightly, and as they stepped out into the bitter cold air, they somehow didn't feel the cold at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks so much for all the Love and Support, Prayers, thoughts, Cards/COMMENTS, Food and everything else...WE LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!~marlon&peggy Peggy had a decent day Sunday July 29th
Posted July 30th Good Morning and hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a decent day on Sunday..She was a tired from all we had going on this weekend but other than that she had a good day. Her Eyes bother her a little bit. Jessica, Marla, Suzy came by for a few. Also had a real,real,real good friend came by to see us. We was really happy to see him. Well we are sort of adjusting to Lexi, She has been real good has not made a mess in the house and has tore up I think only 1 newspaper and 1... Read more | Send a message Peggy had decent day Saturday July 28th
Posted July 29th Good Morning hope this finds you all well... Wow what a great weekend!! Peggy did well we were so busy so I will recapped being my post was so fast yesterday...LOL Friday afternoon and night we spent with some good friends in Marshall at the church Camp we use to go to as kids. Curt was with us, so we relived lots memories but with a lot of other people also. Peggy went with the women convention and saw a lot of friends from the past. Me, Curt hung out with guys although Curt... Read more | Send a message--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Busy Friday and Saturday Morning.. .Posted 1July 28th Good Afternoon hope this finds you all well WOW we have been busy ..Peggy is doing well, we went to women conference in Marshall Mi yesterday she had an awesome time and I did to we talked about a lot about old times when we were teenagers know that was over 20 years ago!!! Wow how time flies when your having fun ... We went to Ted Frizzell "Celebration of Life" Service we saw so many from years past... we had a fun time there. And got to see Kids who has grown up into awesome... Read more | 7 message(s) | Send a message --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggy had a decent day Thursday July 26th Posted Jul 27, 2012 7:21am Good Morning hope all is well with you.... Peggy had a good day yesterday Thursday July 27th her and Suzy left around 6 am for Chicago appt they had a good trip...the van run excellent (Thanks Curt & Dad great job installing all the needed parts to make it purr like a kitten) Peggy met with Dr John and he said her count were all ok .... Her White Blood Count went from 12.77 to 15.26 (normal range is 4-10 her Red Blood count is 2.94 her Hemoglobin is 10.5 her platelets are... Read more | 18 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a decent day Wednesday July 25th
Posted July26th Good Morning hope this finds you all well... Peggy had a decent day Yesterday Wednesday July 25th... She seems to be getting a little stronger each day although yesterday she rested quite a bit more than normal and maybe that is because I was not around much and when I came home she was upstairs resting in bed..She wants so bad to get down in the floor and play with the Kids like she use to that it bothers her that she can not do that now. Little Madison went up to her and said "Aunt... Read more | Send a message Peggy had another good day Tuesday
July 24th and SURPRISE!!! Posted July 25th Good Morning and Hope all is well with everyone!! Peggy had another good day Tuesday July 24th and SURPRISE!!! WOW seems everyone knew but me and Peggy. Tuesday started with Yup....You guessed it Lexi needed to go outside she was barking and had to go when I came down I think around 2:30 am!!! So I went out and showed her where the two holer was going to be (She learns very quick, very smart dog and pretty to...I will post some pictures although she is still a puppy and a little to jumpy... Read more | Send a message Peggy had another good day on Monday July 23rd and got a dog named it Lexi Posted July 24th Good Morning hope this finds you all well Peggy had a good good day yesterday Monday July 23rd, Although Dad Sundman says it seems all his children are going to the dogs...LOL...Peggy got a puppy (a big one) Lexi is a 9 mo old Labradoodle... if you seen the paper on Sunday she was the pet of the week at the Berrien County Control Center. Peggy asked me if she could have it (she does that every now and then to make me feel good LOL) of course I asked a few questions ...are you sure you... Read more | 28 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had another good day on Sunday July 22nd Posted Jul 23, 2012 5:47am Good Morning Hope this finds you all well Peggy had another good day on Sunday..We went to church then the family was over and spent the afternoon. Other than Peggy struggling a little to get up the stairs she is doing pretty good. She seems to be getting a little stronger.. Peggy was reading the paper on Sunday and fell in Love with the "Pet of the week" Oh Boy ..I tried to discourage it but I think I lose... Peg, Cooper, Reagan all want a dog so I think it the dog is available... Read more | 11 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a good day Saturday July 21st (it is July Right?LOL)
Posted July 22 nd Good Morning all Hope this finds you all well Peggy had a good day Saturday July 21st (yes it is July yesterday I was a month behind and some of the really sharp ones caught that and thought they were reading last months LOL) The day started off with me getting up around 4 AM ..Peggy woke also and thought she needed to be up to go to a garage sale or two and spend some "Sister time" .. I said Peg what time are you leaving? When she told me 7:30 am I told her she should go back to bed... Read more | Send a message Peggy had a good day on Friday July 20th
Posted july 21 Good morning and hope this finds you all well... Peggy had a good day on Friday June 20th ..She is having a little trouble with the dry eyes again and a few minor things but all in all she is doing good. We got a chance to go last night the the First Church of God for a benefit Denise/Diane and crew were having for Nancy Barker..Was an awesome turnout for a wonderful lady.. We did a few songs and had a good time... Good to see lot of Friends there. I have the video but... Read more | 9 message(s) | Send a message Doctors appt went good
Thursday July 19th Good Morning and hope this finds you all well!! Peggy seems to be doing much better this morning.. Yesterday early morning we went to Chicago for Peggy's Doctors appt.. We got a real good car wash on the times you could barely see!! We saw a few accidents on the way and Traffic was at times stop and go but we had left early enough and made it on time. Peggy had her Labs drawn and one of her Picc lines was not working... Got in and saw Dr John and he said the counts all... Read more | Send a message ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peggy had a decent day on Wednesday July 18th 2012 Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a decent day yesterday...She had some leg cramps that were rather bothersome though out the day but overall was a good day. She had some Friends stop by and see her and she enjoyed it very much. Mom and Dad brought over a wonderful supper and stayed and ate with us and the girls..we went to bed early 8:15pm (must be getting old huh LOL) I had no problem getting to sleep..she had a real restless night in fact she got back up for a... Read more | 17 message(s) | Send a message Peggy had a real good day Tuesday
Posted Wednesday July 18th Good Morning and hope this finds you all well Peggy had a real good day yesterday.. Sorry I was not able to put to much on here I had a few things going on that I needed to get done. The sore are sort of going away they still bother Peggy some but not as much. We go back to Chicago tomorrow for some Blood test and vitals and see the doctors. It is an early appt but will probably not post result till Friday Morning. Well there is not a whole lot to say. I am still waiting on the Video ....... Read more | Send a message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peggy is doing great today ..Sorry out of time to post LOL Posted Tuesday July 17th Good morning to you all hope this finds you all well Peggy is doing great today.... I am really busy have some fires to put out LOL .. I will try to get around to getting an update later today ...But know she is well Sorry WE LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH ~marlon&peggy Read more | 20 message(s) | Send a message Peggy Sings again on Sunday was a good day
Posted 07-16-12 Good Morning hope all is well with you... Peggy had a real good day Sunday.. Sorry the care pages was not working Sunday Morning but I did Post it on Always look there for anything new especially photos and video or music.. Well like I said Peggy had a good day Sunday, She is still weak but we went to Church and yep you guessed it we got to hear her Sing again and she talked before the song.. She is so amazing... As I helped her to the stage and she could... Read more | Send a message Sorry can not post to Carepages for some reasonSunday Morning 07-15-12
Good Morning Hope this finds you all well .... Whew what a day yesterday and last night LOL ... Alot has happened since the last post, And believe me when I say I am not complaining just showing you how Blessed we really are.. Peggy was released from the Hospital with the doctors around 10 am I think. The Nurse Emily did a great job getting Peggy out of there around 11:40 am this is where it gets real interesting.. I head down to get the car..the luggage slips off of the cart so I have to make some adjustments..(I have 30 mins before Peggy will be waiting for me on the First Floor)So hurriedly I head out the door and the Lady at the information desk greeted me with the customary Rush "Have a Good Day" and I turned and said "Oh I will I am going home!" and then I thought what I said and I stopped and said "And it is even yet a better day because I am also taking my wife home with me " She said oh that is great then... so out to the garage for the adventure...LOL So out to the parking garage I go, on the elevator to the second floor where I thought I had parked the van (Remember it was almost 2 weeks earlier I had parked it and not even sure I had went out to see it in that time) I think my Sometimers kicked in and low and behold there was no van parked 3 spaces down from the elevator.. Hmmm Did someone Steal it ? Did it get towed? I thought Relax Marlon try the 3rd floor... Back on the elevator to the 3rd floor out and whups same thing..aww look at watch still have 15 mins in good shape...well I know it is not the 4 th floor that is handicap so back on the elevator to floor 5...out of the elevator and out to the garage ...Aww there is Old Trusty!!! Whew I am going to make it. Load the van... Whew ....Next LOL jump in the van put the key in..turn to the right ...every time before I did that the engine would start and I would be on my way... But today was different...It made a clicking sound...Huh now anyone who knows me knows I do not know the first thing about cars or vans and don't care to know other than if when I turn the key it doesn't start it is broke..But I was able to figure out that was the battery, so Checked the lights OFF that was good saw the GPS still on... Aw I had told Peggy many times that would never run a battery down...Couldn't be that ...So Marlon think quick you are down to 10 mins Dead Battery so Back to the Hospital to find security ..Think well see if I can get ahold of charge nurse to have them hold Peggy for a while. So I call and Sara said she would she if she could stop if they had not left..Whew go to the info desk ...Ringggggg it Peggy whew good they were able to catch her.."Marlon we are down here" huh We here where are you,,,Then I explain the situation ..Oh and on top of it when I went around the front of the van on one of the concrete post was a rusty bolt sticking though...yep you guessed it ...found it way right into my after telling Peggy all of this she says "Oh don't worry I am just sitting right here and she is telling the Transport team there with her and they said they would call the garage and they would be over to i tell the i am on the 5th floor by the elevator but forgot to tell them B5.. 10-15 mins pass and the Garage guy shows up ... wow how blessed Rush sends a guy to jump my car and doesn't want any money... I love Rush more and More..Mean while Peggy is waiting in Lobby but not by herself the Young Lady from the Transport team stayed right with her the whole time and they had a nice conversation. Jump the van turn the key it starts Whew... Down Pick up Peggy head out ...get on 290 and bumper to bumper ...Then me and Peggy start talking of how Blessed we are...Van Jumped Free, young lady being so nice and staying right there with her and talking to her the whole time. And how amazingly different this road looks with all the traffic when on Monday evening when I was trying to get there before the helicopter there was no traffic...(See how blessed we are, I am not on a time schedule to get home at any time so if there is a time for traffic now was the time!) it was stop and go lot of cars over heated and even one that burned right up. Needless to say what took 90 mins on Monday evening was now 140 mins yep almost a full hour longer..Next adventure So we get to the corner of Glenlord and Washington and as customary we look to the right to see if Balloon are hanging on the rail like they have been all but I think once.. Hmmm sure enough there they are..but we also see some cars Suzy there oh there is this one and that one ...we start laughing cause I knew but she did not...So into the subdivision and yep waiting on the corner was two of the most beautiful children you ever seen...Waiting for Mimi and Papa on their Bikes to escort us to the driveway we wave and Honk (sorry neighbors) and Peggy looks and says "I think they are Having a party!~!!" I said yeah and we are invited ..Tons of people were there from the family and friends,,Pies, Cookies, Hugging, Talking, Singing oh yeah and piano playing...With Rylee,Lilly, Coop and Reagan Singing and playing the piano wow BLESSED...Next adventure Dropped Peggy prescription off, No call from Walgreen's nothing to say they did not have the meds that Peggy needed..after a long frustrating hour or two and OUR Pharmacy (as of today it will be our previous Pharmacy) could not get us the Pain Meds she needed although they had some after numerous calls to Peggy's Doctors they could not get it worked out. I talked with Dr John who was feeling so bad he said he had been on the phone all afternoon with them but for whatever reason they could not get it worked out..but one call to another Local Pharmacy gets me the Meds ..go figure more on that later, I finally can get to sleep by 1:30 am with all that..Wake up at 3 to give Peggy her meds fall back a sleep at 4 and don't wake up till almost 7:30 am ..Peggy slept Pretty well has some pain but not bad.. We are going to try to make it to church this morning.. We are some Blessed people!! Because of me Rambling so much I will spare you the story LOL I think you have heard enough Thanks for all the Love and Support, prayers, thoughts, Cards/COMMENTS (keep them coming helps us make it through, just thinking of you is fine) and everything else!!! LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!!~marlon&peggy Peggy doing good Saturday 07-14-12 With updated blood Counts
Posted Saturday July 14,2012 Good Morning Hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had a good night she slept good (I did too LOL) they seem to have the pain controlled and the sores are going away. If everything goes alright we should be going home today. Thanks for all the Comments I had someone ask me if I could slow the slideshow. So if you click on the Click here by the slide show it should take you to a page and you can click on the thumbnail and view the pictures. I am curious which way you all like better.... Read more | 3 message(s) | Send a message Peggy is feeling good on Friday the 13th
Posted Friday July 13th 2012 Good Morning everyone and hope this finds you all well!! Peggy and I both slept extremely well last night I think we went to bed at 9 pm and both got up at 3 am ..She went back and took a little nap but for the most part has been up talking how blessed we are to have such a support team on this journey. I can tell you that you never want to go on it but if you do I hope you are blessed as we are with some incredible people in your life that make you feel as good as all of you make us... Read more | 9 message(s) | Send a message Peggy is not doing good Lots of Pain
Posted Wednesday 7-11-12 12:30 Pm Good Afternoon Hope all is well... Peggy has had a little set back... The Doctors looked at her today and although her counts are all looking good and I think she rested well last night she is in quite a bit of pain... Her mouth sores are giving her fits and of course she needs to be eating and drinking and off the morphine IV before she can go home. And she is not begging to go home...But you can see the pain in her face. I feel so sorry for her!! Well it will probably be better later... Read more | Send a message Good Day Wednesday 07-11-12
Posted 2 minutes ago Good Morning Hope this finds you all well... Peggy had a good day Wednesday the Morphine is handling the mouth sores quite well.. Her strength is coming back. Dr John Stopped in and took a look at her and said she looked like she was doing good..They want to get her off another antibotic and make sure she doesn't run a fever,He checked her finger which has become infected someway. He talked like it would not be today but maybe tomorrow or Saturday to come home. But we want to make sure... Read more | Send a message Peggy had a good Tuesday night 07-11-12 Post
Posted 2 minutes ago Good Morning everyone!! Hope this finds you all well Peggy had a good night last night ... Pain from mouth sores is controlled it is still there if she does not click her clicker, but she is getting pretty good about clicking it. The sores seems to be getting smaller to me. Peggy slept good last night just one small incident where the picc line would not work for the blood draw but they got it going in about 1 hour. Peggy blood counts took a big jump this morning. WBC 0.24 RBC... Read more | Send a message Peggy had a good Tuesday night 07-11-12
Posted 2 minutes ago Good Morning everyone!! Hope this finds you all well Peggy had a good night last night ... Pain from mouth sores is controlled it is still there if she does not click her clicker, but she is getting pretty good about clicking it. The sores seems to be getting smaller to me. Peggy slept good last night just one small incident where the picc line would not work for the blood draw but they got it going in about 1 hour. Peggy blood counts took a big jump this morning. WBC 0.24 RBC... Read more | Send a message Peggy is doing Much Better now that Pain is under control
Posted 7 hours ago Good Afternoon... Hope this finds you all well Peggy is doing much better since they have the Pain under control. Dr John was in and she said I keep thinking " I can Handle this without the Meds" he told her she should not try she should be asking for the meds when she was in pain. so they have Morphine every 2 hours now so she is doing much better. they are going to give her a button for it sometime later today I think. The nurse took a look in her Mouth and Ughhh unbelievable how big... Read more | 11 message(s) | Send a message _________________________________________________________________________ Peggy had a rough night Monday Posted 13 hours ago Good Morning hope this finds you all well!! Peggy had sort of a rough night into the evening she began to get sores in her mouth they have continued to get bigger though the night. They have been giving her Lydacane and now Morphine the pain is almost unbearable. They are talking about putting her a button to push this morning they are waiting on the doctors orders to do that, but they do have it controlled with the Morphine. She has not been running any fevers as it is 99.0 right now. Read more | 33 message(s) | Send a message __________________________________________________________________________ Peggy is doing well today Posted 1 day ago Good Late Morning hope you are all well Thought I would do an update and let you know Dr John he said all the counts are looking good although she is very neutrapenic. Peggy also has picked up an infection on her finger it does not seem to be bothering her but it is something they are going to keep an eye on it. You would think with all the antibodies they are giving her that she would be covered. So I asked the question when they thought we would be released.. and he said he is hoping... Read more | 13 message(s) | Send a message |