If you have trouble getting the video "Consider the Lillies" by Curtis "the Poet" Davis CLICK HEREIf you have trouble getting video "He Knows How" by the Marlon Davis Family CLICK HEREIf you have trouble getting video "Its My Desire" by Jessica Davis Trumbley CLICK HEREIf you have troubles getting video "Amazing Grace Medley" by the Marlon Davis Family CLICK HEREIf you have problems getting the Jesus is a Shelter video CLICK HERE Peggy Sings again on Sunday was a good day
Posted 07-16-12 Good Morning hope all is well with you... Peggy had a real good day Sunday.. Sorry the care pages was not working Sunday Morning but I did Post it on Always look there for anything new especially photos and video or music.. Well like I said Peggy had a good day Sunday, She is still weak but we went to Church and yep you guessed it we got to hear her Sing again and she talked before the song.. She is so amazing... As I helped her to the stage and she could... Read more | Send a message
CLICK HERE ...this is a place to write the comments about the Video of "Jesus is a Shelter" What and Amazing women Peggy Davis is.. She has been fighting Cancer (leukemia) since 2008. And although it is hard for her to breath especially like walking up stairs and her lungs are giving out, Incredibly her voice I think is as strong as ever. Yes I do choke up singing this song this day it was a little emotional for me. This is a song I wrote call "Jesus is a Shelter" and it is good to know that he is by our side. He will give you peace in the storms of life.. Sometime he walks to the front of the boat and says "Peace be Still" and I believe other times he just says "peace be still to our souls" and we get a peace or calm that everything is going to be alright. Peggy has made the decision for No More Chemo ..This song was done just the day after she got out of the Hospital in Chicago at Rush University. I had to help her up to the front but does this little Lady Deliver!!! Hope you like it and if you do Share it ...WE LOVE YOU ALL !!!~marlon Sunday Morning 07-15-12
Good Morning Hope this finds you all well .... Whew what a day yesterday and last night LOL ... Alot has happened since the last post, And believe me when I say I am not complaining just showing you how Blessed we really are.. Peggy was released from the Hospital with the doctors around 10 am I think. The Nurse Emily did a great job getting Peggy out of there around 11:40 am this is where it gets real interesting.. I head down to get the car..the luggage slips off of the cart so I have to make some adjustments..(I have 30 mins before Peggy will be waiting for me on the First Floor)So hurriedly I head out the door and the Lady at the information desk greeted me with the customary Rush "Have a Good Day" and I turned and said "Oh I will I am going home!" and then I thought what I said and I stopped and said "And it is even yet a better day because I am also taking my wife home with me " She said oh that is great then... so out to the garage for the adventure...LOL So out to the parking garage I go, on the elevator to the second floor where I thought I had parked the van (Remember it was almost 2 weeks earlier I had parked it and not even sure I had went out to see it in that time) I think my Sometimers kicked in and low and behold there was no van parked 3 spaces down from the elevator.. Hmmm Did someone Steal it ? Did it get towed? I thought Relax Marlon try the 3rd floor... Back on the elevator to the 3rd floor out and whups same thing..aww look at watch still have 15 mins in good shape...well I know it is not the 4 th floor that is handicap so back on the elevator to floor 5...out of the elevator and out to the garage ...Aww there is Old Trusty!!! Whew I am going to make it. Load the van... Whew ....Next LOL jump in the van put the key in..turn to the right ...every time before I did that the engine would start and I would be on my way... But today was different...It made a clicking sound...Huh now anyone who knows me knows I do not know the first thing about cars or vans and don't care to know other than if when I turn the key it doesn't start it is broke..But I was able to figure out that was the battery, so Checked the lights OFF that was good saw the GPS still on... Aw I had told Peggy many times that would never run a battery down...Couldn't be that ...So Marlon think quick you are down to 10 mins Dead Battery so Back to the Hospital to find security ..Think well see if I can get ahold of charge nurse to have them hold Peggy for a while. So I call and Sara said she would she if she could stop if they had not left..Whew go to the info desk ...Ringggggg it Peggy whew good they were able to catch her.."Marlon we are down here" huh We here where are you,,,Then I explain the situation ..Oh and on top of it when I went around the front of the van on one of the concrete post was a rusty bolt sticking though...yep you guessed it ...found it way right into my after telling Peggy all of this she says "Oh don't worry I am just sitting right here and she is telling the Transport team there with her and they said they would call the garage and they would be over to i tell the i am on the 5th floor by the elevator but forgot to tell them B5.. 10-15 mins pass and the Garage guy shows up ... wow how blessed Rush sends a guy to jump my car and doesn't want any money... I love Rush more and More..Mean while Peggy is waiting in Lobby but not by herself the Young Lady from the Transport team stayed right with her the whole time and they had a nice conversation. Jump the van turn the key it starts Whew... Down Pick up Peggy head out ...get on 290 and bumper to bumper ...Then me and Peggy start talking of how Blessed we are...Van Jumped Free, young lady being so nice and staying right there with her and talking to her the whole time. And how amazingly different this road looks with all the traffic when on Monday evening when I was trying to get there before the helicopter there was no traffic...(See how blessed we are, I am not on a time schedule to get home at any time so if there is a time for traffic now was the time!) it was stop and go lot of cars over heated and even one that burned right up. Needless to say what took 90 mins on Monday evening was now 140 mins yep almost a full hour longer..Next adventure So we get to the corner of Glenlord and Washington and as customary we look to the right to see if Balloon are hanging on the rail like they have been all but I think once.. Hmmm sure enough there they are..but we also see some cars Suzy there oh there is this one and that one ...we start laughing cause I knew but she did not...So into the subdivision and yep waiting on the corner was two of the most beautiful children you ever seen...Waiting for Mimi and Papa on their Bikes to escort us to the driveway we wave and Honk (sorry neighbors) and Peggy looks and says "I think they are Having a party!~!!" I said yeah and we are invited ..Tons of people were there from the family and friends,,Pies, Cookies, Hugging, Talking, Singing oh yeah and piano playing...With Rylee,Lilly, Coop and Reagan Singing and playing the piano wow BLESSED...Next adventure Dropped Peggy prescription off, No call from Walgreen's nothing to say they did not have the meds that Peggy needed..after a long frustrating hour or two and OUR Pharmacy (as of today it will be our previous Pharmacy) could not get us the Pain Meds she needed although they had some after numerous calls to Peggy's Doctors they could not get it worked out. I talked with Dr John who was feeling so bad he said he had been on the phone all afternoon with them but for whatever reason they could not get it worked out..but one call to another Local Pharmacy gets me the Meds ..go figure more on that later, I finally can get to sleep by 1:30 am with all that..Wake up at 3 to give Peggy her meds fall back a sleep at 4 and don't wake up till almost 7:30 am ..Peggy slept Pretty well has some pain but not bad.. We are going to try to make it to church this morning.. We are some Blessed people!! Because of me Rambling so much I will spare you the story LOL I think you have heard enough Thanks for all the Love and Support, prayers, thoughts, Cards/COMMENTS (keep them coming helps us make it through, just thinking of you is fine) and everything else!!! LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!!~marlon&peggy |